NEW - Mid-Week & 12 Week Programmes
NEW - Mid-Week & 12 Week Programmes
Project Resurgence C.I.C is both an inclusive employer and training facility. We believe that any party either accepted after audition, or accepted onto any of our professional courses are equally important.
We will strive to view discrimination on the grounds of gender, race, disability or circumstance as opposed to the aims and take positive action to counter it. Offer access to a challenging and differentiated regime to suit each individual. Encourage an understanding of all cultures and any SEND need.
DISCLAIMER: Our courses our determined by age, which at this early stage are mainly but not exclusive to 4 - 18yr olds. This is not discriminatory to other age groups outside this age boundary, and adult classes will be added at a later date.
Project Resurgence C.I.C will responsibly use your information, known as 'Personal Data'. The data includes, but is not limited to your name, address, telephone number and email address. We will hold your information for the purposes set out below:
* To include your contact details in @Project Resurgence C.I.C' Directory. We may also be required to forward these details for any Emergency Services.
* To keep you informed of news, services, activities and events. We may also contact you via post, phone, email or social media.
* Project Resurgence C.I.C keep all records in a locked and digitally protected office. Information will be kept to ensure health and safety and student welfare. Data will be Kept in the following formats:
* Information inputted and on application form for relevant course.
* Photography and videography material in relation to student progress and physical analysis.
* Photography and videography information in relation to marketing and promotion material.
* Personal information given for Pastoral Care.
The Directors are responsible for:
* Adhering to the Equal Opportunities Policy and Procedures.
* Ensuring that the E.O.P is readily available and that self employed/guest faculty know their responsibilities and are aware of our code of conduct.
* Ensuring parents know thier responsibilities in scenarios where a student is under 18.
* Taking appropriate action in cases of discrimination.
* Providing the measures necessary to achieve the aims of the policy.
* Providing a visual contact sheet of all students and faculty to staff.
* Ensuring that all teaching staff meet the needs of all students in their sessions.
* Ensuring that perpetrators and victims of discrimination and or abuse of any kind will not be tolerated.
* Providing a positive role model for all students.
* Keeping up to date with legal requirements including the following:
Human Rights Act 1998
Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (extended and amended 1986)
Race Relations Amendment Act 2000
Discrimination Act 1993
Project Resurgence C.I.C values our customer service approach. If you wish to make a complaint about our service or a matter that needs investigation, to adhere to our customer service guidelines, you must send an email which we will aim to respond to within 10 working days. On request we are happy to provide a full copy of our complaints procedure.
Please email complaints to F.A.O - Head of Customer Service.
Please note that standard quieries have 5 working day response time. 14 working day response for complaints that require an investigation.
Allegations made against staff or another student.
Any complaint that is may be seen as a safeguarding issue will be dealt with through our complaints policy. Please send an email to the address above where the same time frames apply.
Here at Project Resurgence C.I.C. we have an 'Opt Out' policy to any photographic or video footage. By accepting a place of the relevant programme you/your child have signed up for, you are consenting to the use of images and videography being used for marketing and promotional material by the following organisations: Project Resurgence C.I.C. and Howly Ballet.
By activating your place on any of our programmes, you are accepting the terms under the Data Protection Act 2018. If you wish to 'Opt Out' of any forms of communication or data collection or storage, it is your sole responsibility to do so by email - for the attention of the DPO (Data Protection Officer).
All Project Resurgence C.I.C's Programmes are physical activities which require appropriate physical contact between students and teachers. Teachers will use their hands, and on occasion a foot or a knee, to illustrate a concept to a student or to adjust parts of the student's body.
We recognise that such physical contact is a potentially complex area, and we fully recognise our responsibility for safeguarding students and teachers and for protecting their welfare. A student will be asked for their permission before a physical correction is given.
The Following principles and procedures are in place to fulfill Project Resurgence C.I.C's Obligations:
* Contact by the teacher is made with particular awareness of the needs of each individual, to assist the dancer in correcting placement/alignment/stretching.
* All teachers will treat any physical contact with due sensitivity and care.
* Teachers will be mindful of location and avoid situations where they are isolated with a student.
* All sessions will be held in studios and dance areas.
* Teachers and Students should feel free to report any concerns to any member of faculty, the pastoral team or admin team.
* The teacher must be aware of complex factors including cultural implications, invasion of personal space, and the background of the individual.
Project Resurgence
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